Universidad de Valencia

When: July 7-8, 2016 
Where: Valencia, Spain
Institution: Universidad de Valencia
Facilitators: Doris Sommer, and Members of the Consell Escolar de la Comunitat Valenciana


Prof. Doris Sommer led a Pre-Texts workshop with members of the Consell Escolar de la Comunitat Valenciana geared towards a reflection on the problems that the education system was currently facing. Through the exploration of interpretative alternatives, Professor Sommer facilitated a creative space for reflection, where empathy and understanding between the different political and social strata could materialize in different forms. The participants became protagonists of behaviors and arguments and susceptible of directly influencing the decision-making process in order to tackle the multiple issues of the educational system and create and improve spaces for civic coexistence. 


More photos and information here: 

