Professor Doris Sommer gave a training workshop on Pre-Texts at the University of Oviedo from March 11 to 15. The workshop was attended by faculty from the University of Oviedo and two representatives of the Women for Africa Foundation, who traveled from Nador (Morocco) to Oviedo to receive the training. The teaching staff belonged to the areas of English Philology, Spanish Literature, Educational Technology, Psychology, Didactics of Plastic Expression or History. The course was developed with the sponsorship of Banco Santander and will continue with a follow-up phase, given the enthusiasm of all participants to bring the Pre-Texts protocol to their classrooms.


  • Indicator of development in all fields (economic, political, emotional, etc.).
  • Stimulates imagination in order to comprehend texts.
  • Inspires personal expression.
  • Engages a range of experiences at a safe distance.


  • Starts with creativity, a universal human drive.
  • Depends on facts and critical reflection.
  • Requires reinterpretation of given material.
  • Develops best with a diversity of proposals.


  • Derives from diversity as a source of pleasure.
  • Thrives on admiration of everyone for everyone.
  • Appreciates facts and critical reflections.
  • Recombines materials and experiences.