When: 24-25 March, 2021
Where: Remote (Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil)
Category: Seminar
Speaker: Matheus Batalha


On the 24th and 25th of March, an important congress called Conecta Escolas Exponenciais 2021 happened in Brazil. This event was dedicated to Brazilian teachers and principals of elementary and high schools. The opening of the second day of the event was made by Professor Matheus Batalha, who in his talk analyzed some of the main challenges for Brazilian education from the humanities’ perspective, in addition to presenting the Pre-Texts Program to a large group of educators. A writer by vocation, his
talk was based on elements of his own life story and how Pre-Texts, a remarkable moment in his life, led him to change his views on education and to constitute a project to help other educators to achieve more engagement with their students by using this protocol. His talk and his newspaper chronicle article, where he shares his views about this experience, can be accessed through the links below. ”
Watch Matheus’ talk and read more about it.