Seminario Pre-Textos Digital


When: January – February 2021
Where: Remote (Cambridge, MA, United States)
Participants: 15 participants from 7 different countries
Facilitators: Abby Miranker, and Camila Garcia Melado
Sessions: Six



Abby Miranker and Camila García Melado co-facilitated a virtual Pre-Texts workshop during January and February, 2021. Following Abby and Camila’s first digital workshop based in Argentina in June 2020, they continued on to receive Pre-Texts facilitatorship, first through a small, remote workshop in August 2020, and eventually leading up to this larger workshop with an even wider audience.

The workshop had a large international reach. As a spanish-led workshop, fifteen participants representing seven different countries including Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Perú, and Switzerland attended the sessions, learning from each other both through art, literature, and language. Abby and Camila both share a common value of the power of cultural exchange through community building and education, and made sure to allow this workshop to have a large international scope, while still ensuring a strong bond between participants.