San Fernando College

August, 2024

Pre-Texts Unites the School and University World

by Paulina Nuñez

Just as ecosystems exchange energy and matter with other ecosystems-for example, when a river transports nutrients from a forest to a lake, affecting both environments- in the educational realm, higher education and the school world can benefit from each other.. An excellent example of this is the collaborative project between San Fernando College, the Universidad Mayor at San Fernando, a city located 130 kilometers south of Santiago in Chile.

Eight months ago, training in the Pre-Texts methodology began for a group of teachers from the San Fernando College, who are already using it. At the same time, seven students from the School of Education of the Universidad Mayor, who are working on their theses within this project, are measuring the impact on the reading comprehension of the school’s students, as well as on their levels of anxiety and depression.

This August, the thesis students visited the school and actively participated in the classes, experiencing first-hand the Pre-Texts methodology. At the end of the year, the students will present their theses with the results obtained, while the school’s team of teachers will complete the 20 hours of implementation required to obtain their international certification.

So let’s go for four new Pre-Texts facilitators in Chile!



When the ability to be surprised is still alive…
At the beginning of June, began the implementation of the Pre-Texts methodology at San Fernando College, located in the VI Region, Chile. The project is an initiative of pedagogical innovation and community service by Universidad Mayor and Cultural Agents in a school with 1,500 students. The immense surprise was seeing how highly motivated teachers with demanding workloads were able to make their 7th and 9th-grade students enjoy reading, such as “La Pincoya,” by dancing, laughing, asking questions about the texts, and something that is an exception to the rule today: listening to each other. Congratulations to the teachers Marina Inostroza, Fabiola Hurtado, and Daniela Tatiana Ossandón Vargas for their participation. And a special thanks to the UTP heads Carmen Luz Aramburú and Paola Carrasco. When an institution commits, it shows!