Books and Chapters


An Arts-Literacy Intervention for Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Pre-Texts with Kenyan Adolescents

Osborn, T. L., Ndetei, D., Mutiso, V., Sacco, P. L., & Sommer, D. (2022). An Arts-Literacy Intervention for Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Pre-Texts with Kenyan Adolescents. 10.31219/

Keys to Incorporating Trans Identities into the Education System: A Case Study

Etxebarria Perez de Nanclares, O. (2024). Trans identitateak hezkuntza sisteman txertatzeko gakoak: Kasu azterketa bat [Tesis doctoral, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea].

Pre-Texts International

Pre-Texts International. (2022). Harvard University Press. United States


Pre-Texts: Uma Estratégia Educacional para o Enfrentamento da Covid-19 no Contexto da Saúde Pública

Barbosa, E. A., Alves, T. O., Brito, R. S. Lima P. A. L., Souza, E. C. M., Nery, M. B. M., Sommer, S. (2022). Pre-Texts: Uma Estratégia Educacional para o Enfrentamento da Covid-19 no Contexto da Saúde Pública. In Enfrentamento da Covid-19 e seus Desdobramentos sobre a Saúde Pública. (pp. 151-175). Backups Books, Brasil.

Pre-Texts: Press Play to Teach Anything

Sommer, D. (2021). Pre-Texts: Press Play to Teach Anything. In Ludics (pp. 73-84). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.


The Arts Educate: Twenty-First Century Skills for Literacy, Innovation, Citizenship

Sommer, D. (2019). The Arts Educate: Twenty-First Century Skills for Literacy, Innovation, Citizenship. (pp.3-8International Opportunities in the Arts, 1.

‘Make a Plan’: Pre-Texts in Zimbabwe

Sommer, D., & Mohamed, N. (2014). ‘Make a Plan’: Pre-Texts in Zimbabwe. In Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures (pp. 99-110). Routledge.


Four. Pre-Texts: The Arts Interpret

Sommer, D. (2013). Four. Pre-Texts. In The Work of Art in the World (pp. 107-134). Duke University Press.